Making Money: A Thought that Keeps Evolving

Joshua D Zellner
4 min readMay 19, 2020
Flowers in the Yard (Image by me)

Growing up, I took after my parents who were traveling artists; selling their crafts at shows, festivals, and fairs around the US. At first, I started painting rocks off the ground with my mother’s acrylics. Looking back, I realize how simple it was to combine these two resources which were quite literally laying around.

Since then, my interest in money has only grown stronger.

Time, Money and Energy

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that money is inadvertently tied to time. Simultaneously, time seems to be our most valuable resource; with energy being our second most valuable. Does convenience rest right between the two? I’m not sure but my notions of frugality say “If I can save little bits of money then I’m quite possibly saving little bits of time or energy.”

Recently, I’ve tried to sculpt my way of thinking into being positive-biased. When I catch myself worrying, overthinking, or thinking negatively about my financial situation… I remember following these patterns of thought is a waste of time, energy, AND subsequently money itself.

As a habit of always ending moments with optimism, I grant you a few kernels of value derived from some of my life lessons. Enjoy.

Image by Lindsay Kimble

My $100 bill

One day, my mother was slouched over at the kitchen table nearly in tears. She was worried about managing and selling her oversized, inherited house. I had tried everything to convince her not to fret about the bills, paperwork, and the impending doom of property taxes approaching.

Ultimately, the house was too big and too much work for just us two. Amid her doubts, a thought occurred to fetch a $100 bill from my room for her to hold, smell, and make peace with. I brought her purse and instructed her to keep it and put it somewhere safe.

Without much argument, she held the bill in her hands and rested her worried face. I told her I had read somewhere that if you physically touch a dollar bill it activates certain “feel-good” chemicals in the brain like dopamine and serotonin. While many claim the US dollar was created with malicious intent to enslave or control, my exploration in cryptocurrency showed me a much different story of how the idea of money itself initially came to be.


While I see both the negative and positive sides of money, I tend to fall back on saying “Like it or not, this is how the rules have been set, so let’s focus on learning and moving forward”. From my perspective, increasing our knowledge of money is key.

Considering inflation, stock market volatility, and general economics… I’ve switched from investing in stocks and cryptocurrencies to investing in my own education and developing rental properties. I make sure to practice using money in many ways; striving to learn something with every transaction. Even keeping track of a new puppy can be a financial learning process.

Cost of Living with Puppies Sometimes (Image by me)

Having peace with the money we currently have seems to be the best way to go. Whether you have 5 bucks or 5 billion, allowing our measurement of wealth to hinder or harm the self (mind, will, emotions) is not worth the time/money/energy wasted on self-doubt or “self-depreciation”. Instead, allow your money to build, inspire, and serve as something to be grateful for.

On a side note, within the first 20 minutes after we wake, my partner and I come up with 3 things we are thankful for in the moment. Doing this not only strengthens less-active parts of the brain, but it sets up an attitude of gratitude and resourcefulness for the rest of the day. It may not seem related to this article’s title but I assure you it has a definite connection.

I’ve truly had a paradigm shift (or 2) in thinking when it comes to money. If you’ve not checked out The Secret or Think and Grow Rich yet… please do so! Also, for those already attuned to the law of attraction or the self-fulfilling prophecy… please be sure to watch this video about the Backster Effect. Bottom line: thoughts and intentions affect physical matter.

I’ll continue to travel and explore ways of making money. I’ll even ponder the thought of money itself. Metaphorically, I’m swimming while I learn to breathe along the way. To those who are willing to absorb, practice, and transform what I’m sharing: Thank you. I firmly believe that because of my self-affirmed money-magnetism and my dedication to perpetuate honesty, health, and wealth… you (my cherished reader) are bound to share in the abundance.

Smiles: They’re Free and Universal (Image by me)

Views are personal. Image copyrights with owners.



Joshua D Zellner

Inquisitive | Business Major | Real Estate Investor | Aspiring SW Engineer