Superheros and Room to Grow: An Analysis of the Best Superhero Movie

Joshua D Zellner
4 min readApr 8, 2020


Photo by iStockPhoto

Ever wonder what the best superhero movie is?

To me, everyone is either a child who has or hasn’t “grown up” yet. We all have wonder and the possibility of growing up to be super people. Hopefully, we team up with a super partner-in-crime, too.

Last night, a friend on Facebook asked everyone to share something positive so I immediately took a picture of the page I was reading in a book called What Smart Couples Know. The page listed 16 questions which were probing to see how good of a listener you are with your partner.

I was only proficient in 10 so I definitely have room, in this life, to grow up.

From Listening To Speaking

This morning, I presented a long awaited slideshow covering a project I did as a business analyst in training. Here was the outline of the project.

Select a topic of your choice (sport/destinations/restaurants/etc.). For this topic, determine a sample size to analyze (minimum 10). Research important statistics related to the topic and using those statistics perform a quantitative analysis of chosen sample size and determine the best.

Being a life-long Batman fan, I knew immediately I wanted to analyze the best superhero movie ever!

Superman: The Movie 1978

From the moment we were let loose, I began collecting all the ratings and rankings I could find. Those were my parameters. IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes were chock-full of what I needed. They ARE the go-to critics.

To make my analysis more dynamic I used 3 other critics and gathered some general attributes about the films I chose for my samples. These films were chosen based on the top rated ( and top ranked) superhero movies of all time.

Once I had the critics’ rating for each movie, I converted the ranking metrics into a rating. To do so, I listed each movie from one to twelve as they appeared in the rankings, then combined the two (or three in some cases) to get an average “Critic Score”. Lastly, I combined all 5 critic scores to come up with my “Final Score” for each movie.

Results of my Analysis

Excitedly, I had poured hours into the analysis and practiced my presentation diligently. To very briefly sum up my findings, I’ll just say that if you enjoy movies AND you haven't seen any of the following films then it’s worth checking them out.

*Parents, please be aware that Logan is the only rated R film listed.

From the data I collected, The Dark Knight was shown to be the highest rated and highest ranking superhero movie of all time. I believe there are several reasons this film rose to the top of the charts but the most prominent one is the timing and nature of Health Ledger's passing. For more info click here.

My Super Impressive Presentation

This morning, I finally got my chance to present. For context, I was speaking in front of my trainer and about 30 of my colleges. I made sure to load the presentation with lots of images, sound effects and even some short video clips to really “wow” the audience.

Well, I gave my presentation and it didn’t go as “super” as I had planned.

The boss asked about some missing information and pointed out things that essentially everyone had missed in their presentations. Audience engagement and a little bit of humor… how could I have forgotten about these things?? Was I really listening when the instructor gave advice about our presentations?

With the pinnacle of my project being the presentation, I should’ve refreshed myself on material that was provided weeks ago entitled “High Impact Presentation Techniques”. I was so caught up with the data I had gathered, along with my showmanship, that I forgot to step back and ask a detective’s favorite question; “What’s missing?”.

In Conclusion

The Dark knight was an epic film. Does this superhero movie reflect our collective inner desire of what's considered super? Growing into our superb self requires patience, learning and listening (more than in just a literal way).

There’s plenty of evidence to show the benefits of good listening. Maybe there’s a path to become a super listener to the natural world’s surrounding... super hearing like a bat! yeah!

To avoid feelings of defeat, doubt and disappointment we might imagine that life is good and our missed opportunities are simply evidence for room to grow.

Views are personal. Image and report copyrights with owners.



Joshua D Zellner

Inquisitive | Business Major | Real Estate Investor | Aspiring SW Engineer